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9 BIAF2019 Award Winner Announcement 2019-10-22 21:29
The 21st Bucheon International Animation Festival (BIAF2019, 18-22 OCT, 2019) had its award ceremony 18:00, 22(Tue) OCT. 2019.
Juries for short films are Lee Minkyu, director of , Céline Devaux director of and Anna Budanova, director of .
Lee Minkyu, Céline Devaux and Anna Budanova gave the BIAF Grand Prize to by Tomek Popakul. the film is also a strong contender for the upcoming Academy Award® ceremony. The Jury Prize is given to another Academy Award® Qualified film <Mr. Mare> by Luca Tóth.
, Annecy Cristal by Bruno Collet won twice both Audience Prize and AniB’s Choice Prize.
Juries in the feature film category are Denis do, director of
Itazu Yoshimi, director of , and Yoon Gaeun, director of chose <Marona’s Fantastic Tale> by Anca Damian with the BIAF Grand Prize for a feature film. it also won Audience Prize in feature.
Zabou Breitman and Eléa Gobbé-Mévellec’s Cannes Un Certain Regard Premiere, <The Swallows of Kabul> received the Jury Prize and Music Prize for a best score.
In VR, 1st Prize, Jury Prize is given to this year’s Academy Award® nominated film <Age of Sail> by director John Kahrs,
Student Academy winner, Daria Kashcheeva’s who just arrived to Bucheon from L.A won 1st Prize, Jury Prize and AniG’s Prize.
All BIAF2019 Winners in the below.

  Awards Title Director Country
Feature Film Grand Prize Marona'sFantasticTale Anca DAMIAN Romania/France
Jury Prize The Swallows of Kabul Zabou BREITMAN
France/Luxembourg Switzerland
Special Distinction Prize Checkered Ninja AndersMATTHESEN
Audience Prize Marona'sFantasticTale Anca DAMIAN Romania/France
Short Film Grand Prize Acid Rain Tomek POPAKUL Poland
Jury Prize Mr.Mare Luca TÓTH Hungary / France
Special Distinction Prize Winter in the Rainforest Anu-Laura TUTTELBERG Estonia/Lithuania Mexico
Special Distinction Prize Movements JEONG Dahee South Korea
Audience Prize Memorable Bruno COLLET France
AniB's Choice Memorable Bruno COLLET France
Korean Short Film JuryPrize Movements JEONG Dahee South Korea
Special Distinction Prize No winner
Graduation Film Jury Prize Daughter Daria KASHCHEEVA Czech Republic
Special Distinction Prize Me and My Magnet and My Dead Friend LIU Maoning China
AniG'sChoice Daughter Daria KASHCHEEVA Czech Republic
TV&CommissionedFilm Jury Prize ATownCalledPanic
Vincent PATAR, Stéphane AUBIER Belgium / France
Special Distinction Prize Brazen - Episode “Annette Kellerman" PhuongMaiNGUYEN
OnlineFilm Netizen Choice Rapunzel Juan Pablo MACHADO France
Netizen Choice Amaryllis Wong Ying KWAN, Ng Wing KIU Hong Kong
VR Film JuryPrize Age of Sail John KAHRS USA
Special Mention Songbird Lucy GREENWELL, Michelle KRANOT, Uri KRANOT UK / Denmark
SpecialAwardsFeature&ShortFilm COCOMICS Music Prize The Swallows of Kabul Zabou BREITMAN, Eléa GOBBÉ-MÉVELLEC France/Luxembourg Switzerland
SpecialAwardsKoreanFeature&ShortFilm BeansRoadPrize Princess Aya LEE Sunggang South Korea
Princess Aya LEE Sunggang South Korea
Short Film
DHL Diversity The First Class KIM Myungeun South Korea
Melting Heart Cake Benoit CHIEUX France

첨부파일 #1 :
BIAF2019 Award Winner Announcement.docx