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BIAF2025 10.24~10.28

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116 BIAF2022 Closed ENTRY for Shorts 2022-07-01 14:40
1 July, 2022 BIAF – The 24th Bucheon International Animation Festival(BIAF2022), the competition entry for short film (Short, Graduation, TV&Commissioned) is closed. (* Feature & VR is due by 31 July.)
In 2022, we have received 3,001 (2,791/BIAF2021) film submissions from 103 countries. (101/BIAF2021) We will announce the selection result and its list of films by 1 Aug through the website. (
Most submissions came from USA, France, UK, China, Canada, Brazil, South Korea, Italy, Germany and Japan.
Recipient of the BIAF Grand Prize in Short will be eligible for consideration in the Animated Short Film category of the Academy Award®.
Thank you for your submission.
Wish to see you all at BIAF2022! (21-25 OCT, Bucheon, South Korea)